Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Parents' Day Evangelistic Dinner








Rev. James Yeoh, came to know God and received Jesus Christ as his personal savior when he was in his secondary school. Before he became a Christian, he was involved with occultism such as playing with the ouja board and through which he came to know about the spiritual realm. His Christian classmate invited him to attend church services and Bible study groups and became a Christian. After his graduation from college he joined Malaysia Campus Crusade for Christ as village and film ministry staff so as to confirm his calling to be a full time pastor for the Lord. Two years later, he entered Singapore Bible College for training and received his Bachelor of Theology, as well as his Master of Ministry. He then became a pastor for almost 20 years. Throughout those years, he was invited to teach Bible courses in various local and overseas Bible Colleges as an adjunct teacher. He is one of the most sought after speaker for evangelistic meetings and had also conducted marriage and family seminar in many churches. He is a gifted, humorous, and versatile speaker. He is now serving as the director of CNEC, Malaysia Field, serving the churches in SEA. He is married with two daughters.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Prayer Chain 3rd May

The clock is ticking. Dr Michael Tay's CG will be the 1st group to kick start the Prayer beginning 12am to 3 am just half an hour away. Syabas! To those the following groupings: 12-3am (YA2-Dn Michael); 3-6 am (AE1-Dn Tang); 6-9 am (YE1-Ezri); 9 am to 12 noon (AE3-Dn. Irene); 12-3 p.m. (AE2- Bro. Chong); 3-6 pm (AC1-Elder Steven); 6-9 pm (YC1-Chee Boon); 9pm to 12 am (4/5 AC/YA1 Eld Ng/Ps. Joseph)

Please drop by Hebron (Shalom Kids) during these 24 hours of prayer to join them for prayer. Cantonese service will start 1030-1230 p.m. tomorrow, I guess they will see Dn Irene CG there.

Great is the day we tried the 24 hr prayer. Some started doubting whether they can pray for 3 hr in one go! But hallelujah! PTL we did it though one CG just went completely absent without a rep!!!. Pastor joseph had to stand in for them to cover the gap?? Over all it was fantastic for a start. One CG even did the washing of the "disciples' feet"!! so many ideas. Ha! Ha! One CG read chapters one and two of Acts to recall the Day of Pentacostal** Remember it is a 1+10+90 days. So friends it is still not over yet the 90 days of blessings from the Lord is still to come. Sit tight and pray for greater things to come!!! That's Pentecostal days Conversion by the tens, hundreds and thousands. Ps Choo Yong Kee asked for 300, he got 3000!! We asking for 1000! bravo! what are we getting?? Rise up bros and sis, the Lord hears and give generously. Be brave to ask Be bold....and so on HEBRONITES. It all means H E B R O N I T E S *** Remember us. AMEN>>>>> From Elder Dr. Leong

Yes, a total of 7 CGs with abt 43 participants if not mistaken it was 5-6-6-3-0-6-6-11. That's abt 30% of congregation. No bad for a start. others take note join in and get the blessing from the Lord in the days to come. happy praying from now on!! Dr. Leong

Farewell Sister Jessi & We Wish You Well.

Dn Felicia strongly believe that every call of distress must be attended promptly. So responding to a distress call immediately has been the hallmark of her ministry. She was unwell when Jessi called. With the help of Elder Steven, sister Jessie was rushed to JBGH and later confirmed she has a stroke. She is still speechless after she was discharged from JBGH and resting at home before she leaves for Kucing on 5th May. Hebronites visited her home and had a dinner at her house. Quite a number of goods needed to dispose. Our church bought a TV, a sister bought a stove, some bought oven, kettle etc. Bigger items need to send back to Kuching by container. We continue to uphold sis Jessi and her daughter San San, that they may adapt well in Kuching and may they find strength in the Lord to serve Him. God's provision may be more than sufficient for them. Most importantly, God healing power may be upon Jessi. We look forward to meet her soon in the near future. Bon Voyage, God bless Jessi and San San.


After 3 hours of prayer chain 3rd May, Dn Felicia immediately moved into action and continued with another marathon tuition with these MR2 students. Praise God for our sister who is willing to take the extra mile to teach and coach these students. Besides tuition, our sister also "teh tarik" with them yesterday. May God bless her heart desire and this relationship bonding eventually bear fruits. By the way, she just recovered from sore throat and fever few days back. Thank you for your labour of LOVE.

A Trip to Teluk Ramunia on Labours Day

Hi everyone, Ezra here. This is my first post on the multiply blogsite and my first post is going to be about the trip to Teluk Ramunia on labours day, that is the 1st of May.

Just for some general information, there were about 11 youth present for the trip and since we held it in tandem with the Girls Brigade. We left Hebron at about 6 o clock and reached the chalet around * o clock, give or take a few minutes.

So we had a few activities such as sandcastle making and water balloon fights. The rest of the time was devoted to swimming in the sea.

There were a few injuries but thank God though, that nothing major happened. His protection was over us all the way, and any injuries were kept to the minimum.
So, we left for JB about 530 in the evening. I believe that this was a good opportunity for the youth to have more fellowship

Sunday, April 27, 2008

1st JB Girls Brigade Enrollment Service

There are est. 38 girls in our 1st Girls Brigade that gathered most Saturday at Hebron. These girls are from SMKTTA. We thank God for the teacher in charge Puan Chang. This year we have 13 new recruits, 3 recruits turn up in our Enrollment Service on 27th April at Hebron namely Zi Yi, Pei Yee & Siao Ting. We thank God for our Chaplain Deacon Irene, Captain Fui Lian, Officers-Yee Cheng, Lee Teng, Lee Feong, Liza, Swee Phing and others who have been faithfully attending to these girls.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


We praised God for a wonderful night at FGB Evangelistic dinner held at a Tun Aminah local restaurant on 14th April. Est. 20 guests were invited by members of Hebron Cantonese Service, about 10 were responded to the altar call. We praised God for the fantastic harvest night.

During our Cantonese service last Saturday, some of them had indicated their intention to be baptized. Some of their English-speaking spouses (non-Christians) attended our Sunday service. More info on FGB: http://fgb.com.my/

On 24th April, FGB invited estimated 30 businessmen and women to a luncheon at Maedo, Tun Aminah. Our invited guest Milton Alvarez (ref: http://www.miltonalvarez.com/1.html) shared his life testimony with the group. Two person responded to an altar. Praise the Lord. FGBMF will be organizing another major banquet dinner in Tun Aminah on 19th May, where a recent convert, a corporate figure from a public listed company will be sharing his songs and testimony.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Berkat Community

Our sister Felicia has set a target to visit Berkat Home once in every month beginning of 2008.

We visited the Home again last Sunday. Berkat is at a milestone of growth and improvement. There are 14 children in the home with 4 staff. There have been great improvements since the day the children come to Berkat home. It was an uphill task as the children that come to the home have not been studying with supervision for many years or since nursery age. However, Berkat is thankful that with proper guidance and the help of the volunteer tuition teachers, there were improvements.

The children are also taught our cultural heritage, discipline, and manners. They have responsibilities at the home too. They have household chores, like sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, and washing cloths. Each morning they make their own bed and have breakfast together. They all pray to our Heavenly Father very often to have close relationship with Him.

Be a partner or friend of BERKAT Home by letting others know about the Home
2. Be a sponsor for a child at RM 100 per month.
3. Be a monthly contributor of foodstuff or Financial support.
4. Be a volunteer tuition teacher.
5. You can help organize a group of interested individuals to help clear the home or take the children out for outing.
6. Be a volunteer, spending some time with the children.
7. Be a prayer partner with us:-
a. Pray for the healing of the children.
b. Pray for the house parent and workers that they are able to impart God’s love to the children. c. Pray for the health and well being of the children

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hebron EduCARE

Hebron EduCARE Center was established early on August 2005. It offers an educational outreach platform
– a church-based primary youth community project. It is designed to reach out to youth of ages 10-18 in the vicinity of the church through life skills, training and Christian education. It is also an educational center of continuous study for school leavers, school dropouts, unskilled young adults, adults, and senior citizens.

Last year, we have presented a total 6 certificates of completion to our students who had completed Graphic, Web Design and Animation. One school leaver took up a diploma program at a local college upon completion of his program in Hebron. A delinquent student from Toa Yuen is currently doing the above program (just found a job working in a media company). To date, we have 15 students that have taken up Graphic, Web, Animation, Illustration, Video and Sound program at our Hebron center, among those 9 of them are non-believers.

Come this July 2008, Hebron EduCARE will be a full-fledged education center to cater to the needs of the community by terminating the current tenancy at the upper level of Hebron newly purchased building next to Hebron. Hebron EduCare will be registered under a welfare enntity.

Some ex-educationists/academicians and tutors/instructors will join force to teach primary and secondary subjects besides our computer - animation corner which is currently offered graphic, web design, animation, video, sound editing program, 3D Modelling, Environment and Animation.

Apart from these, we may provide childcare, half-way school (before school morning and afternoon class) for busy young parents, counseling for newly wedded and pre-marriage counseling, guitar/piano lessons or even activity/sport center .

Besides charity, we will be offering professional quality programs to primary and secondary students/dropouts and school leavers. In other words, we will charge our students at premium (market rate) and pay our teachers and instructors at premium rate as well.

We also plan to engage a center administrator and other clerical staff to run the center.

Please pray for EduCARE on how we can draw from existing resources and effective deliveries in teaching and instruction and the ability to tap from outreach points such as Shalom Kids, Youth and Young Adults, Hosanna Clubs, Mutiara Rini 2, GB and BB and the community in our surroundings.

FGB Evangelistic Dinner

We praised God for a wonderful night at FGB Evangelistic dinner held at a Tun Aminah local restaurant on 14th April. Est. 20 guests were invited by members of Hebron Cantonese Service, about 10 were responded to the altar call. We praised God for the fantastic harvest night.

During our Cantonese service last Saturday, some of them had indicated their intention to be baptized. Some of their English-speaking spouses (non-Christians) attended our Sunday service. (Pic-Cantonese Song Practice & Prayer on Tuesday).
More info on FGB: http://fgb.com.my/

Hosanna Club

We praised God for a successful Hosanna Camp which was held on 5th April, est. 300 students from Kuo Kuan 2 attended the camp. Many of these students responded to altar call during the event. We thanked all the participating churches, helpers who had contributed to this huge success and the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit. Praise God.

For More pictures please refer to http://hosanna.miracle.com.my/2007campgallery1.html

Friday, February 29, 2008

Inaugural Cantonese Thanksgiving Service, 1st March 2008

Praise God! Hebron Contonese service started smoothly this morning despite early downpour. We also witnessed our very Cantonese first fruit being baptized. Praise God for brother Tang Sik Hong's (Dr Alex Tang's father) courageous faith and conviction despite his old age. We thanked God for our CS coordinator Elder Steven Woo, Rev. Raymond Au, Sister Lily and helpers who had put up such an excellent service. We also expressed our thanksgiving to God for a strong show up (est. 80 persons) during this inaugural service.

The Bible Experience

Hey everyone, its ezra here and this is a video regarding the audio book THE BIBLE EXPERIENCE.

I believe that this audio book of the bible will touch many people and open many doors for the preaching of the gospel to the masses.

So if you are interested you may check it out once it arrives at our shores. Good night and God bless you all.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Year Direction

On 3rd January, the Men's Fellowship rolled out a new slogan during their 1st gathering: "Men To Lead". They decided to organize at least 3-4 major events this year apart from the monthly regular activities, namely Medical talk in March, Evangelistic Banquet (30-35 tables) in June; Parenting Counseling in September and possible Christmas Grand Banquet (50 tables) at the end of the year.

As for the Ladies, I suppose they will continue with regular monthly meeting; cooking session; picnic & outing; visitation to the Berkat orphanage, Calvary Home, Health Talk etc. Let's hear from the lady bloggers!

So, what is your New Year Direction? Yesterday, Dr Leong mentioned that Leng Leng made a resolution to call him "Low Kong" instead of the usual "daday" . The husbands may now address their wives "Low Boh" instead of "mommy" or better still "darling", sweet heart", what have you?

So, what changes you would like to make this year that will make an impact in your life, your family life, your working life, your school life and your community? If you have not done the following in the last seven years, I would like to recommend you to do the following Guideline for Christ-Centered Spiritual Goals:

1. Spiritual Goals:

彼得后 2 Peter 3:18

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

a. Read the bible daily: http://www.oneyearbibleblog.com/
b. Healthy view: National Geographic; Discovery; APL; ESPN; http://www.godtube.com/ etc.

2. Physical Goals:

罗马书 Romans 12:1

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.

所以弟兄们,我以 神的慈悲劝你们,将身体献上,当作活祭,是圣洁的,是 神所喜悦的。你们如此事奉,乃是理所当然的。

a. Good diet and healthy food plus regular medical check up.
b. Fitness – To Jog at Bukit Indah Garden every Saturday 8-9 a.m.; badminton game on Sunday etc.

3. Mental Goals

罗马书 Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.


a. Reading: MLM; Building Godly Family Ties related materials.
b. Journaling: http://hebronpcjb.blogspot.com/

4. Social Goals

罗马书 Romans 12:10

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.


a. Fellowship: CG, Men’s, Ladies, Young Adults and Youth Aflame.
b. Improve PR and communication skill: Team building; team player; Kopitiam; badminton on Sunday 8-10 p.m.; church camp etc.

5. Financial Stewardship Goals

路加福音 Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."


a. Credit Card/s: To pay promptly; to settle or to cancel.
b. Tithe and Offering: 10%; 10%+ etc.

Hopefully and prayerfully, life will never be the same the next seven years beginning from now and you can make a difference for Jesus in your life.

Hello All! Time to introduce myself! =D

Hey all! It's me Ezra, and I'll be adding on to this blog from time to time.

So, what am I going to be posting? Well since I'm currently serving in the band I thought I'd post up music related posts on this blog.

Now, my hope is that by doing this those who access this blog will pick up a few songs before I actually play it in the service! Now, now, thats not the only purpose I have for linking songs on this blog. I also hope that by listening to these songs, our people (old, young, blahblahbla etc.) will better understand the impact of music on our worship in church!

Okay, one thing down. Secondly, what type of songs am I going to be uploading? Well, I hope you'll all pardon me if I don't include songs you have an attachment to, but I'm mostly going to be uploading songs from Christian Bands.

And remember I'll be playing these sooner or later!

So for My first post, I'm going to be linking the song called The stand by Hillsong United( from Youtube mostly). For this video, there is also an animation made by Youtube user upendy.
Have fun watching!

Lastly! I'm also going to be adding a little explanation to the blogger/messenger jargon. So as you all see on top the two characters =D that I typed. What do they mean? Its a face!, well simple! = are the eyes, D is the mouth. So =D is a smiling face!
