Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Berkat Community

Our sister Felicia has set a target to visit Berkat Home once in every month beginning of 2008.

We visited the Home again last Sunday. Berkat is at a milestone of growth and improvement. There are 14 children in the home with 4 staff. There have been great improvements since the day the children come to Berkat home. It was an uphill task as the children that come to the home have not been studying with supervision for many years or since nursery age. However, Berkat is thankful that with proper guidance and the help of the volunteer tuition teachers, there were improvements.

The children are also taught our cultural heritage, discipline, and manners. They have responsibilities at the home too. They have household chores, like sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, and washing cloths. Each morning they make their own bed and have breakfast together. They all pray to our Heavenly Father very often to have close relationship with Him.

Be a partner or friend of BERKAT Home by letting others know about the Home
2. Be a sponsor for a child at RM 100 per month.
3. Be a monthly contributor of foodstuff or Financial support.
4. Be a volunteer tuition teacher.
5. You can help organize a group of interested individuals to help clear the home or take the children out for outing.
6. Be a volunteer, spending some time with the children.
7. Be a prayer partner with us:-
a. Pray for the healing of the children.
b. Pray for the house parent and workers that they are able to impart God’s love to the children. c. Pray for the health and well being of the children

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